31 October – Lobster menu

Experience an unforgettable gastronomic evening, where lobster will be the star of your tasting experience…

This Thursday 31 October at 7pm, on the eve of a public holiday, our Star Chef Mathieu Vande Velde and his team are offering you a unique and exceptional menu based around the noblest of shellfish.

Enjoy an exclusive evening dedicated to culinary excellence, where each dish will be a true work of art and an explosion of flavours for your taste buds…


* Lobster Menu – 4 courses*

Tartelette pieds de cochon – homards
Rolls avocat – homards
Carottes samba – huile de homards
Salade de homards – herbes sauvages
Cassolette de pinces de homards
Trou normand
Queue de homards rôti au feu de bois – noisettes
Tartelette dame blanche inversée
Beignet myrtilles



This unique 4-course menu, with hors d’oeuvres and mignardises, will cost €110 per person (excluding drinks). A prepayment will be required to guarantee your reservation.

Dates & Time: 31 October at 7pm.

Let yourself be carried away by an exceptional dinner in the elegant and refined atmosphere of our gourmet restaurant & reserve your table now by calling +32 87 27 53 11 or via info@roannay.be